A Java client (library) for the Rundeck HTTP REST API.
Rundeck is an opensource tool for automating tasks on multiple nodes, with a CLI, a webbased interface and an HTTP REST API. You can read more about its API on the Rundeck User Manual.
- Use it to write scripts (in Groovy, JRuby or Jython), for example if you want to automate the execution of Rundeck jobs based on external events.
- Use it in a Java application. A good example would be the Jenkins Rundeck plugin, that needs to trigger Rundeck jobs from within the Jenkins continuousintegration server. Or the
Rundeck Remote CLI|https://github.com/vbehar/rundeckremote-cli, that provides a javabased CLI on top of the API.
- You can read the API documentation, starting with the RundeckClient class.
- Or you can "Use the Source, Luke !"
- Read more on the Maven autogenerated pages :
project information|./projectinfo.html and project reports.
- GitHub for the source code and website hosting
- CloudBees for the continuous integration hosting
- Sonatype for the Nexus repository hosting (and sync to Maven Central)
- Many thanks to Vincent Behar for initial creation and development of this project!