AbortParser | Parser for a single RundeckAbort |
ArchiveImport | ArchiveImport describes the result of an importArchive(String, java.io.File, boolean, boolean) request. |
ArchiveImportParser | ArchiveImportParser is ... |
AssertUtil | Utility class for assertions |
BaseDocGenerator | BaseDocGenerator generates a document using the element as the root. |
BaseKeyResource | BaseKeyResource is ... |
BaseState | Base execution status for a step |
BaseStateParser | $INTERFACE is ... |
BaseStorageResource | BaseStorageResource is ... |
BaseXpathParser<T> | BaseXpathParser is ... |
BulkDeleteParser | BulkDeleteParser is ... |
ConfigProperty | ConfigProperty is a single configuration property key and value. |
DefaultJobsImport | $INTERFACE is ... |
DeleteExecutionsGenerator | DeleteExecutionsGenerator is ... |
DeleteExecutionsResponse | DeleteExecutionsResponse is ... |
DeleteExecutionsResponse.DeleteFailure | |
DeleteExecutionsResponseParser | DeleteExecutionsResponseParser is ... |
DeleteParser | DeleteParser is ... |
DocumentContentProducer | DocumentContentProducer writes XML document to a stream |
EventParser | Parser for a single RundeckEvent |
ExecutionParser | Parser for a single RundeckExecution |
ExecutionQuery | ExecutionQuery contains the query parameters for the /executions api, build one with the ExecutionQuery.Builder class, e.g. |
ExecutionQuery.Builder | Builder for ExecutionQueries |
ExecutionStateParser | $INTERFACE is ... |
FileType | All supported types of files. |
HistoryParser | Parser for a single RundeckHistory |
IndexedWorkflowStepStateParser | Returns a WorkflowStepContextState by looking up the given Rundeck node's state in the workflow, using the step context path of the "stepctx" element of the selected DOM node. |
JobParser | Parser for a single RundeckJob |
JobsImportResultParser | Parser for a single RundeckJobsImportResult |
KeyResource | KeyResource represents a directory or an SSH key file |
ListParser<T> | Parser for a List of elements |
NodeFiltersBuilder | Builder for node filters |
NodeParser | Parser for a single RundeckNode |
OptionsBuilder | Builder for job options |
OutputEntryParser | Parses output message content for API v6 |
OutputEntryParserV5 | OutputEntryParserV5 parses message entry for API v5 |
OutputParser |
PagedResultParser<T> | PagedResultParser extracts paging data from an xpath node, and includes the List result from a ListParser |
PagedResults<T> | PagedResults contains a List of a certain type, and paging information. |
ParametersUtil | Utility class for API parameters that should be passed in URLs. |
ParserHelper | Helper for parsing Rundeck responses |
ProjectConfig | ProjectConfig is ... |
ProjectConfigGenerator | ProjectConfigGenerator is ... |
ProjectConfigParser | ProjectConfigParser parses project "config" element contents |
ProjectConfigPropertyGenerator | ProjectConfigPropertyGenerator generates a <property/> element representing a configuration property. |
ProjectConfigPropertyParser | ProjectConfigPropertyParser parses a <property/> element representing a configuration property. |
ProjectGenerator | ProjectGenerator is ... |
ProjectParser | Parser for a single RundeckProject |
ProjectParserV11 | ProjectParserV11 supports embedded "config" element. |
ResponseParser<T> | Parse inputstream to some content |
RunAdhoc | Super interface for adhoc executions |
RunAdhocCommand | A command to execute |
RunAdhocCommandBuilder | Builder for adhoc command request |
RunAdhocScript | An adhoc script to be executed by Rundeck |
RunAdhocScriptBuilder | A builder to build a RunAdhocScript , use the builder() to build a builder, then build()
to build an RunAdhocScript
RundeckAbort | Represents an abort of a RundeckExecution |
RundeckAbort.AbortStatus | The status of an abort |
RundeckApiException | A generic (unchecked) exception when using the Rundeck API |
RundeckApiException.RundeckApiAuthException | Specific authentication-related error (either login or token). |
RundeckApiException.RundeckApiHttpContentTypeException | Error due to unexpected HTTP content-type |
RundeckApiException.RundeckApiHttpStatusException | Error due to unexpected HTTP status |
RundeckApiException.RundeckApiLoginException | Specific authentication-related error (in case of login-based authentication) |
RundeckApiException.RundeckApiTokenException | Specific authentication-related error (in case of token-based authentication) |
RundeckClient | Rundeck API client. |
RundeckClient.Version | Supported version numbers |
RundeckClientBuilder | Builder to build a RundeckClient , you must specify a url, and at least one of (login, password), token, or
sessionId. |
RundeckEvent | Represents a Rundeck event |
RundeckEvent.EventStatus | The status of an event |
RundeckEvent.NodeSummary | Summary for nodes |
RundeckExecution | Represents a Rundeck execution, usually triggered by an API call. |
RundeckExecution.ExecutionStatus | The status of an execution |
RundeckExecutionState | The state of an Execution |
RundeckHistory | Represents a portion of the Rundeck (events) history |
RundeckJob | Represents a Rundeck job |
RundeckJobDelete | RundeckJobDelete represents a result of a job delete request. |
RundeckJobDeleteBulk | RundeckJobDeleteBulk represents the result of a bulk job delete request and contains
a list of RundeckJobDelete objects. |
RundeckJobsImport | Request to import a set of Job definitions |
RundeckJobsImportBuilder | Builds a RundeckJobsImport
RundeckJobsImportMethod | The behavior when importing jobs (which may already exist). |
RundeckJobsImportResult | Result of importing some jobs into Rundeck |
RundeckJobsUUIDImportBehavior | $INTERFACE is ... |
RundeckNode | Represents a Rundeck node (server on which Rundeck can execute jobs and commands) |
RundeckNodeIdentity | Identifies a node by name |
RundeckOutput | Represents a Rundeck output |
RundeckOutputEntry | Represents a Rundeck output entry |
RundeckOutputEntry.RundeckLogLevel | |
RundeckProject | Represents a Rundeck project |
RundeckSystemInfo | Represents the Rundeck system info |
RundeckToken | RundeckToken is ... |
RundeckTokenParser | RundeckTokenParser is ... |
RundeckWFExecState | An execution state for a workflow or node step |
RunJob | Job run request |
RunJobBuilder | Job run request builder |
SSHKeyResourceParser | SSHKeyResourceParser is ... |
StorageResource | StorageResource represents a directory or a file |
StorageResourceParser | StorageResourceParser is ... |
StringParser | Parser for a single String |
SystemInfoParser | Parser for a single RundeckSystemInfo |
WorkflowState | Represents the state of a workflow of steps |
WorkflowStateParser | $INTERFACE is ... |
WorkflowStepContextState | A state for a particular step |
WorkflowStepContextStateParser | $INTERFACE is ... |
WorkflowStepState | Represents the state of a step in a workflow |
WorkflowStepStateParser | $INTERFACE is ... |
XmlDocumentGenerator | XmlDocumentGenerator is ... |
XmlNodeParser<T> | Interface to be implemented for parsers that handle XML Nodes |